How Much Wooing Is Too Much?

Whether it’s professing love at first sight, loading her down with gifts or orchestrating a midnight mariachi band outside her window, some guys will say or do anything to woo the girl they want. But when do grand words and gestures cross into crazy-land?
We ask the Men’s Life Today Girl Panel™ to weigh in on real tales of wooing, as in which ones are sweet … and which are borderline psychotic. Take notes.
The Panel:
Lauren, 30 |
Veronica, 24 |
Lawrese, 22 |
Natalia, 25 |
Real Tales of Wooing
“A guy in high school once stole a picture of me as a little kid from my house, had it printed on a T-shirt, and wore it to school.”
Our panelist says:
“Now that is creepy. But I’d laugh if a guy brought me a cheesy T-shirt! Don’t be afraid to surprise her with something silly, especially if it has to do with an inside joke between the two of you.” -- VeronicaThe Verdict:
“I was talking to this guy I liked on the phone when he told me to go outside to check out the moon that he was looking at from his dorm window hundreds of miles away. When I got outside, he was there to greet me.”
Our panelist says:
“Guys should make a surprise appearance every now and again.” -- LawreseThe Verdict:
“A guy I was dating (not so seriously) got me real diamond earrings for my birthday.”
Our panelist says:
“They say diamonds are forever, and so they should be given to someone you know you’ll be with forever.” -- LaurenThe Verdict:
“I was on my way home from a family vacation when the guy I was dating snuck into my family’s house mid-blizzard to turn on the heat so we’d be warm when we got home.”
Our panelist says:
“I like that he snuck in so she could be warm. It would only be creepy if they weren’t dating!” -- NataliaThe Verdict:
“After keeping score of our scrabble game on the back of my business card, my date kept the card and used the address on it to send flowers to my office the next week.”
Our panelist says:
“I prefer to keep gifts to birthdays, holidays and anniversaries, but it’s OK to throw in surprise flowers a few days a year for good measure. -- VeronicaThe Verdict:
“A kid I met online one summer took me out to dinner once. Four days later, he had called me, left a voicemail and texted me three times. I responded to say I wasn’t interested in him. Later that summer, he texted me again to offer me a VIP card to a club I like and another chance to go out with him.”
Our panelist says:
“I guess I would call that persistent. But after you tell someone you’re not interested, that kind of crosses the line.” -- LawreseThe Verdict:
“A guy I’d gone out with only once before offered to cook me dinner at his apartment.”
Our panelist says:
“Making dinner is a thoughtful and cute gesture, but at this point seems like a ploy to get her over.” -- LaurenThe Verdict: